Cycling Intervals (Let’s Get Out & Ride)

It's time to get outside for a group ride after a couple of months of indoor cycling. Let's Get Out & Ride will be a 15 mile (safe) route that will include a combination of rolling hills and flat terrain. The goal is is to make you feel comfortable on the road and also increase […]

Kettlebell & Go

Join us for another Kettlebell & Go. This time we will start at Efit (do Kettlebell Exercises) and then walk or jog to JC Park. JC Park is just a little north (one street over) from Efit. We will do Kettlbell exercises there and some addtional core work. A great workout to get your metabolism […]

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching May 1.

OCR / Bodyweight Workout

Join Us!! The Spartan/OCR - Bodyweight Workout will help you to get ready for the June 11th Spartan in Richmond. Not doing the race? Join us anyway for a fun whole body workout that will get your fitness levels all amped up! We will start at Efit with slamball, sandbag, bucket carry and step up […]

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching May 14.

Yoga Basics

Our Essential Fitness Yoga Basics class is open to all levels, beginner through seasoned yogi. We link breath, strength and flexibility for a total mind-body workout. This class is a perfect compliment to your regular active endeavors. Kim G teaches this class.

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching May 21.

OCR / Bodyweight Workout

Join Us for the last official workout Spartan/OCR - Bodyweight Workout before the June 11th Spartan in Richmond. Not doing the race? Join us anyway for a fun whole body workout that will get your fitness levels all amped up! We will start at Efit with slamball, sandbag, bucket carry and step up exercises. We […]

Yoga Basics

Our Essential Fitness Yoga Basics class is open to all levels, beginner through seasoned yogi. We link breath, strength and flexibility for a total mind-body workout. This class is a perfect compliment to your regular active endeavors. Kim G teaches this class.

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching June 5.

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching June 19.

Yoga Basics

Our Essential Fitness Yoga Basics class is open to all levels, beginner through seasoned yogi. We link breath, strength and flexibility for a total mind-body workout. This class is a perfect compliment to your regular active endeavors. Kim G teaches this class.