Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching July 10.

Burn and Buff

We will do three rounds of strength training interspersed with cardio intervals. We will go outside if the weather permits. If not, get ready for some intervals in the studio. Pam and Michele are teaching on September 3.

OCR / Bodyweight Workout

Join us for the OCR / Bodyweight Workout - it's a fun whole body workout that will get your fitness levels all amped up! We will start at Efit with slamball, sandbag, bucket carry and step up exercises. We wil then do a slow jog to Central Park and do some hill repeats, burpees, push ups, […]

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching September 10.

Yoga Basics

Our Essential Fitness Yoga Basics class is open to all levels, beginner through seasoned yogi. We link breath, strength and flexibility for a total mind-body workout. This class is a perfect compliment to your regular active endeavors. Kim G teaches this class.

Kettlebell & Go

Join us for another Kettlebell & Go. This time we will start at Efit (do Kettlebell Exercises) and then walk or jog to JC Park. JC Park is just a little north (one street over) from Efit. We will do Kettlebell exercises there and some additional core work. A great workout to get your metabolism […]

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching September 24.

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching October 1.

OCR / Bodyweight Workout

Join us for the OCR / Bodyweight Workout - it's a fun whole body workout that will get your fitness levels all amped up! We will start at Efit with slamball, sandbag, bucket carry and step up exercises. We wil then do a slow jog to Central Park and do some hill repeats, burpees, push ups, […]

Step 2 Strength

The Step 2 Strength class combines basic stepping moves along with strength (using one dumbbell) and bodyweight exercises. Push ups, squats, lunges and core exercises will also be included in the workout. All exercises can be modifed based on your current fitness level. This is NOT a pure cardio class but rather a nice mix […]

Yoga Basics

Our Essential Fitness Yoga Basics class is open to all levels, beginner through seasoned yogi. We link breath, strength and flexibility for a total mind-body workout. This class is a perfect compliment to your regular active endeavors. Kim G teaches this class.

Fitness Boxing

Boxing is a great way to get in shape or take you to another fitness level. A whole body workout that will concentrate on basic boxing movements. Each class will also have bodyweight exercises built into the workout. Kim S is teaching October 22.