

I look forward to Pamʼs Classes every week. She works us hard, but we also laugh because she makes strength training fun and social. I love the low pressure and high results environment that she brings to these classes. I feel good both physically and emotionally when...


I contacted Brian to get in shape and to feel good. Since working with Brian I have lost weight and have gotten much stronger with his program which covers many aspects of fitness and health. He is very motivating and always pushing me to work hard.


I have worked with Essential Fitness, LLC for the last couple of years. I have worked with both Pam and Brian in a group class setting and now do private training which fits my schedule at this time. I am an avid runner and I enjoy the variety of creative workouts...


Before going to class with Pam, I had weak upper back muscles that caused shoulder blade pain. I also had neck issues with the vertebrae not staying in line. I was able to strengthen those muscles along with increasing my core strength with Pamʼs help and the workout...


When I was diagnosed with mono, the last semester of college, all of my strength vanished and I felt defeated. As I began to heal, it was evident how weak I had become and I feared the return to a normal schedule. Pam came to my rescue and not only restored my...